Critical Reflection Essay Planning pt. 1

In class on Wednesday, our teacher presented a Nearpod with tips for our Critical Reflection essay. The first 2 questions I want to talk about are:

How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?
How do your products engage w/ the audience?

The tips I wrote down for each:
How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?
-Include specific productions/samples you reviewed
-Include specific techniques you researched 
-Discuss genre and some important conventions 
-Provide specific examples of how research impacted your production choices 

How do your products engage w/ the audience?
-Provide description of target audience
-Discuss specific ways your three components engage your audience - or not

For the first question, I plan to talk about all the research we did ranging from why we chose our topic to why we chose how many episodes are in our series and how we wanted to put together the series.

For the second question, I plan to talk about our specific target audience of pre-teens to twenty year olds in the middle class and above who either attend college or plan on attending college. I plan on talking about the research we did and why we came to that conclusion.


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