
There was no school today because it is Good Friday. For the past 3 days, I have been working very hard on editing. On Wednesday Janey and I decided on an efficient way to split up the editing. I am going to put all the interview clips together, fix the lighting/coloring and the audio and Janey will be putting together the intro and editing in the B-roll footage when she sees fit. 

We put all of our videos into a shared photos album and it has a total of 82 videos. Once I put all the clips together it was 13 minutes and this part of the project is supposed to be around 5 minutes. I cut it down to 9 minutes the first day and right now it is at 5 minutes and 30 seconds. I had to take out a couple of questions and still have more to cut out. I need what I have to be under 5 minutes so that Janey has room to put in the into and other extra transitions. 

Last class, my teacher gave a presentation about the critical reflection essay so I have started considering what I want to write about. I think in the next blog I will break down what I want to talk about for 2 of the 4 questions. 


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