Group Meeting II

The people in my group for this meeting were very productive and talkative. We started by each saying which project we chose and what our ideas for our individual projects are. We then talked about if we had any bumps in the road so far or if we were currently stuck on something. No one in my group has moved on to filming yet but plans to do so the same week as my group. Knowing that I am on the same schedule as other people in the class definitely eased some stress that I have. 

I am genuinely excited about each and every project my group is producing. The group had five people including me. Two people are doing the short film package, one person is doing the music promo, and one person besides me is doing the documentary. One of the short films sounds very interesting and I think I am the most excited for that final project, he is exploring the main character going through an existential crisis and breaking the original narrative. To me, this idea sounded very original and creative. I am eager to see how exactly that group goes about filing, editing, and sound. The other short film is about a girl who plays soccer but the person working on that project is still trying to figure the climax of her story. In the meeting, we tried to provide some broader ideas/events in the story that could contribute to a good climax. The documentary project is about Matcha and that group is still trying to figure out "what about Matcha" and the overall series structure. My group went through many ideas before we landed on the final structure of our series and what we wanted each episode to be about so I suggested that she do what our group did to figure it out. My group bounced ideas off each other in a teams meeting until we finally landed on one we all could get behind. Physically talking through ideas instead of just texting about them is much more effective and results in better ideas. The last project in my group was a music promo about a local band. He had a lot of cool ideas for this project and I think it will be fun to be introduced to a local band in that way. 

After our meeting time ended, my group stayed to just catch up and it was very nice to just have plain conversations with my classmates. 


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