
We are officially on spring break and I am currently writing this blog from the school I will be attending next year! 

When doing the first documentary project at the beginning of the year coming up with a title was something Janey and I really struggled with. It was the last part of the project we did before turning it in, this time we are choosing a title before we even start filming. We ended up bouncing off the studio name "Performance Edge Dance Complex" and titled the project On The Edge. My group started to think about titles and one of my group members, Janey, came up with a title that we just loved. She suggested either In Sync or The Next Step. We were all immediately drawn to The Next Step because it has so many different meanings related to dance and relating to this piece. The obvious first meaning is "the next step" in a dance routine but the deeper meaning is that collegic dance is "the next step" in a dancer's career. We feel that this title captures what we are presenting to our audience perfectly.


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