
Living in South Florida I have been exposed to many different cultures. South Florida is like one big melting pot. My parents met in Miami where cultures vary immensely so it is no surprise they are both have two very different backgrounds. My mom was born in America and my dad is Cuban making me a "Jewban".
In my city specifically, Hispanic immigrants make up the majority of the population.
When planning representation and casting we thought it would be easiest to use what we know. We knew we definitely wanted it to be a female teen but didn't really think about ethnicity. Then we decided the ethnicity that we know best and with research is under/misrepresented in US media is Hispanic families, specifically females. Each person of the group comes from some sort of a Hispanic background so choosing this character was a clear choice.
According to The New York Times; "A new study found Latino actors represented only three percent of lead or co-lead roles in top-performing movies during the last 12 years. Producers, directors and casting executives fared badly, too." In 2019, the University of Southern Californa Annenberg put together a study on Latino representation in Hollywood. To read the full report:
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