Filming Day II

Today is filming day 2!

This time all members of the group are able to attend this filming session. 

We want to film scenes both during the day and at night. Daylight savings (spring ahead) was on Sunday, so this threw a wrench in our plans. Because we lost an hour, it gets darker much later; consequently, filming must take place later than we expected. We plan to meet at 6:00 to film in daylight, the sunsets at 7:30, so we will then finish filming all the other scenes. The good news is that there is only a 5% chance of rain, that's rare. We aspire to complete all our filming today to we can go into spring break working on post-production. Tomorrow, I have to wake up early to take the SAT :(, so we plan to manage our time wisely to finish as quickly and efficiently as possible. With the current health circumstances and a lot of unanswered questions, this could be the last SAT for juniors this year. 


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