
The definition of a drama film goes as followed: a genre of narrative fiction (or semi-fiction) intended to be more serious than humorous in tone.
According to AMC film site "Drama Films are serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. A dramatic film shows us human beings at their best, their worst, and everything in-between. Each of the types of subject-matter themes have various kinds of dramatic plots. Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre because they include a broad spectrum of films."
A film that I believe embodies that idea is Robert Zemeckis', Forest Gump.
This film reflects the life story of Forest Gump. He encounters many issues during his life, but they never seem to affect his pure joy. Forest assumes good things will happen if he pursues his goals. He ultimately obtains the majority of the things he wished, but he realizes he wants something more difficult than what he has gotten, he wants his friend, Jenny, to fall in love with him. The film revolves around Gump and the life struggles are thrown at him. When he goes through a new problem he reminisces on Jenny's worth to him. During the movie the pair seemingly growing apart. Forest is troubled by this but it seems they always find each other in the end.
The opening for the film includes all the necessities; it contains an established tone, genre conventions, and the inclusion of credits/titles.
The film begins with a shot following the movie's central symbol, a feather. While passing through the air and city of people, a classical song is playing. Credits and the title are being shown. After the title and credit are shown, the feather introduces us to the main character by landing on his shoes. A youtube channel called The Take says this feather represents both the chance and the divine. Throughout the film's opening, the feather is brush offed and ignored by everyone until it gets to Forest. Forest sees the feather picks it up and puts the feather into what looks like a children's book.
By including the children's book, it hints at the character's personality; he is a man with a low IQ. By him being the only one to pick up the feather and keep it, it shows he is different. Which he is. He chooses to only see the good even after all the bad.
This movie is a story of realistic situations which complements the drama genre. It also includes a conflict with a representation of nature, is life more chance or planned?
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